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- About
- "sexting" and internet crimes in colorado
- Appellate Court Makes Medical Marijuana Use In Colorado More Complicated
- Authorities look for impaired drivers during holiday periods
- Bad Mix: Illegal Mushrooms and Rock Climbing in Colorado
- Breathalyzers: how do they work?
- Can your DNA be taken if you are arrested? Supreme Court will decide
- Colorado dui and ignition interlock devices
- Colorado lawmakers hash out the details of marijuana reform
- Colorado pot grower gets five year prison term
- Colorado’s strict sex abuse sentencing
- CrimePush: a New College Crime Reporting App
- Express consent and license revocation for dui in colorado
- Felony DUI Convictions Now Come With Guaranteed Jail Time
- Holiday crackdown results in hundreds of additional Colorado DUI arrests
- How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help Families
- How accurate are dogs at detecting illegal drugs?
- Indie Rocker Fights Back After False Allegations Of Sex Crime
- Jurdem, llc welcomes attorney jennifer sonja wunsch
- Law enforcement and social media: be careful what you post
- More Women Being Charged with Drunk Driving
- On-campus sexual assault
- Police increasingly use social networking sites for evidence
- Self-defense in the home: Are you immune from prosecution?
- Sex offender registries in Colorado: More harm than good?
- Since marijuana legalization vote, arrests for marijuana crimes dropped
- Sobriety checkpoints: a waste of time and money
- Study profiles Colorado DUI auto insurance premium hikes
- THC limit for drivers fails in colorado senate
- The problem with white collar crime sentencing guidelines
- Twitter: a New Police Investigative Tool to Solve Crimes
- Watch What You Post: Cops Increasingly Look for Facebook Evidence
- What’s on Your Smartphone? The Police May Have More Access Than You Know
- When it comes to drunk driving, just say no at every point
- Why it’s time to examine sex offender registration practices
- Will Federal Crackdown on Medical Marijuana Affect CO Patients?
- Women that drink during early adulthood at higher risk for breast cancer
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- Contact Sarah Anne Croog
Criminal Defense Overview
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- Boulder Domestic Violence
- Burglary Defense
- Criminal Defense For University Of Colorado Students
- Criminal Mischief Defense
- Criminal Tampering
- Defacing Property
- Driver's License Consequences
- Driving Under The Influence
- Drug Offenses
- Federal Charges
- Juvenile Charges
- Marijuana
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- Professional License Defense
- Providing False Information
- Self-Defense
- Sex Offenses
- Sexual Assault On A Child
- Talking To The Police
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