Defacing Property Defense Lawyers In Boulder
While graffiti in Boulder may qualify as art, the painter may be charged with the criminal offense of defacing property. This is a class two misdemeanor offense with a potential jail sentence of up to one year.
At Jurdem, LLC, in Boulder, our defense attorneys bring together decades of defense experience to defend against a wide variety of criminal charges. We put the same effort into defending against misdemeanor charges as we would serious felony charges. Why? We understand that your future is on the line. Your ability to rent an apartment, get a job or even go to school can be put into jeopardy by a criminal record.
To speak with one of our experienced lawyers about your defacing property charges and/or criminal mischief charges, please call 303-800-3509 or toll-free at 877-761-7852. We offer free phone consultations.
When Can You Be Charged With Defacing Property?
A person who, without consent of the owner, paints, draws, writes or otherwise defaces the surface of property by use of paint, spray paint, ink or any other substance or object commits the crime of defacing property.
Defacing property is typically a class two misdemeanor that carries additional penalties depending on the extent of the property damage and the number of previous offenses. While it may seem like a minor infraction (can’t they just paint over your graffiti?), the law takes this property crime very seriously.
At Jurdem, LLC, we take our defense seriously. Our attorneys are experienced in successfully defending against defacing property charges arising in Boulder or elsewhere in Colorado. Our goal is to obtain the best possible result in your case, and, where possible, protect your reputation and future by sealing any record of your criminal charges.
Contact Us To Discuss Defenses To Defacing Property Charges
For a free consultation to discuss your defacing property crime charges, contact our law firm. From our law offices in Boulder, we serve clients in Boulder, Denver and throughout the Western Slope and Front Range.