Criminal Defense Overview
At Jurdem, LLC, we combine our extensive trial experience and depth of knowledge regarding criminal law with our knowledge of and experience within the Boulder community to give you the best and most complete representation possible. A licensed attorney in Boulder since 1976, Scott Jurdem, has broad experience, including serving as director of the Denver and Colorado Springs Public Defender Offices.
Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys
All three of our attorneys earned their law degrees from the University of Colorado at Boulder. In addition to criminal defense representation for CU students, we also provide assistance with CU Office of Student Conduct matters.
Our skill, knowledge and experience allow us to offer exceptional representation and counsel to clients on a wide range of issues, including:
- Drug offenses — Boulder is not as tolerant as you might think. Without effective defense counsel, a brief lapse in judgment could leave a permanent mark on your record.
- Sex offenses — A conviction for a sex offense can destroy your reputation and could result in a lifetime prison sentence. Our record in these cases speaks for itself.
- Domestic violence offenses — The law is changing, and the penalties are increasing. Allegations of domestic violence require a defense team that can protect you.
- CU Boulder students — We defend students in court and provide assistance with the CU Office of Student Conduct.
- Driving under the influence — Penalties for a first offense are harsh and penalties for subsequent offenses are even more so. We do everything possible to protect your license, your liberty, and your record.
- Marijuana — Marijuana laws are strictly enforced in the Boulder area. Whether you believe you’re immune from prosecution or not, you need the best representation possible when you are facing a potential drug conviction.
- Traffic violations — High point violations can threaten your driver’s license. Whether in Court or at the DMV, we can help you.
- Driver’s license suspension/revocation — Let us help you defend your driving privileges.
- Appealing a conviction — We can fight wrongful convictions and safeguard your record.
- Talking to police — We are your advocates. Let us be your voice. Our experience provides valuable insight when dealing with law enforcement.
- Professional license defense — If your career depends on your professional license, we can build a defense that will help protect that most valuable of assets.
- Mental health issues — Too often those with mental health issues find themselves in the criminal justice system. We can provide a defense that is considerate of the issues at hand.
- False information and false reporting — Passing fake IDs and providing false information to law enforcement may be common offenses in a college town, but those who get caught face serious consequences. You need to protect your record.
Contact Boulder Criminal Defense Attorneys At Jurdem, LLC, Today
For experienced legal counsel that can help you defend yourself against a wide range of criminal charges or defend your rights after you have been injured in an accident, turn to Jurdem, LLC, in Boulder, Colorado.
Our criminal defense lawyers represent clients throughout Colorado.
Call 303-800-3509 or toll-free at 877-761-7852 or simply contact us online for a free telephone consultation concerning your criminal defense or personal injury matter. We accept major credit cards for our clients’ convenience.