Exclusive Criminal
Defense Representation
For Over 46 Years

Medical & Professional Malpractice

If you have suffered damages or injury as the result of negligent work by a professional, lawyer, doctor, nurse, hospital, engineer or other licensed professional, you need a lawyer with experience going up against the experts involved in these difficult cases.

Take Action Against Negligent Professionals

Any business that is negligent in the work performed can be liable for the harm caused as a result. If your dry cleaner burns a hole in a dress or suit jacket, you expect them to compensate you. Licensed professionals have the same responsibility. Jurdem, LLC, has experience successfully representing clients with claims against negligent attorneys, nurses, doctors, hospitals, engineers and other licensed professionals. With their licenses at stake, these professionals can be expected to mount a vigorous defense. With Jurdem, LLC, on your side, you will be prepared to take them on.

We offer exceptional and experienced representation to individuals who have been injured by professional negligence in a wide range of circumstances, including:

  • Lawyers
  • Doctors
  • Accountants
  • Engineers
  • Architects
  • Nurses

Exceptional Representation For Victims Of Professional Malpractice

At Jurdem, LLC, our Boulder professional malpractice lawyers attribute their past successes in professional malpractice cases to our trial experience. Insurance companies know there are few law firms that are a threat to them in court — they recognize our firm as one of them. Our clients benefit because we are selective in the number of professional malpractice cases we accept. This firm is not an injury “mill.” We don’t just write a letter and get a small check.

At Jurdem, LLC, we can point to many instances where we recovered 5 to 10 times what the insurance company offered to pay our injured client in the months before trial. Our main goal is to win for our clients injured as the result of professional malpractice. In this area, “a win” often means you have to beat the money out of the insurance company. Insurance companies see their job as not to pay or pay too little to a seriously injured victim. Insurance companies know that we are ready to take them on — to get top dollar — or go to trial.

With decades of experience conducting complex litigation, our firm is able to construct a sound strategy that will be tailored to maximize the award you may be entitled to receive if you are injured as a result of professional malpractice.

Contact Us

For experienced legal counsel that can help you protect your rights if you are injured as the result of negligence by a licensed professional, turn to Jurdem, LLC, in Boulder. Call 303-800-3509, toll-free at 877-761-7852 or simply contact us online for a free initial consultation with one of our experienced professional malpractice attorneys.