When under police interrogation, asserting your right to remain silent is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself. Law enforcement officers are trained to ask questions that encourage you to talk, and anything you say can potentially be used to build a case...
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Criminal Defense
Prerequisites for a lawful search of your home
Searches are utilized all the time by law enforcement. In some cases, these involve searching a person, their vehicle or their home residence. Whatever or whoever is being searched, the principles of the Fourth Amendment apply. All citizens are protected from unlawful...
Can the police search your phone?
If you are the subject of a police investigation, they may want to examine your phone and other mobile devices. The police may believe that certain types of evidence are stored on those devices, and they want to perform a search as part of their overall investigation....
3 ways you can be arrested for marijuana in Colorado
Cannabis is legal in Colorado. People in the state can use medical marijuana or recreational marijuana. Colorado has a reputation for being one of the first states to move forward with these laws, especially as they pertain to recreational marijuana, so many people...
Drug charges and social media
Facing drug charges in Colorado can be a daunting and complex process. Colorado has strict laws regarding the possession, distribution and manufacturing of controlled substances. Penalties can vary significantly based on the type and amount of drugs involved, as well...
4 misconceptions about criminal mischief during a college strike
The energy of a college strike can be electric and infectious. But sometimes, that energy can spill over, and what might have seemed like harmless fun in the moment may land you in hot legal water. Many students face unexpected legal challenges in the wake of college...
Can you buy marijuana for your friends?
In some ways, people in Colorado tend to think about marijuana the same way they think about alcohol. In both cases, there are limits to who can make purchases and how the substances can be used. But it’s also possible just to go to the store and purchase them without...
3 ways a police officer can enter your home
There are some misconceptions about when police can enter a person’s home. Some people believe that they have a right to privacy in their home and they never have to let the police inside. Others believe that the police are in authority and that they have to do as...
How a domestic violence incident can turn into a kidnapping
When you hear the phrase “kidnapping,” what probably comes to mind is holding another person hostage until you’re paid some kind of ransom or some other demand is met. While that’s certainly one definition, Colorado makes a distinction between kidnapping someone for...
Sharing someone’s sexy selfies without consent could be a crime
The rise of cellphones has revolutionized relationships. Intimate relationships, in particular, have shifted dramatically. People can remain in constant contact with their partner. They can also send images or videos to each other. People can privately record their...