The CU Boulder Sexual Misconduct Task Force has released their 2021 Campus Sexual Misconduct Survey. Their findings on sexual misconduct involving college students throughout the state revealed that reports of all categories of sexual misconduct have decreased....
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For Over 46 Years
Sex Crimes
What’s in a name?
Colorado’s Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) recently determined that two words in their formal organization’s name – “sex offender” – are no longer appropriate. Composed of public defenders, prosecutors, and other professionals that work in sex offender treatment,...
Is reform on the way for Colorado’s sex offender registry
Colorado’s sex offender registry currently numbers approximately 20,000 state residents. Lawyers, legislators, and those serving on the registry are pushing for much-needed reform. The Sex Offender Management Board manages the registry (SOMB). Those seeking change...
Lifetime Supervision of Sex Offenders – What It Means In Practice
In Colorado, sex offenders are sentenced pursuant to the Lifetime Supervision Of Sex Offenders Act. A person convicted and sentenced to the Department Of Corrections under the Act receives what is called an indeterminate sentence. This means at the time they are...
Man in Boulder motel arrested after campus complaints
Colorado defendants have good reasons not to want a criminal record involving a sex offense. Defendants have been accused of sexual misconduct over simple misunderstandings. A conviction may include long-term repercussions.A 28-year-old man was arrested at a Boulder...
Judge: ‘Cup checks’ by former Colorado teacher were assaults
What may be acceptable behavior in the eyes and minds of some people is offensive to others. For defendants, perceptions don't matter as much as whether the behavior crosses a legal line. A former Colorado high school teacher recently learned touching students can...
Boulder fugitive given indeterminate sentence for sexual assault
Criminal defense attorneys are adept in mitigation of consequences for defendants, when possible. Sex crime charges are some of the most destructive allegations a defendant can face. A conviction can mean the permanent loss of freedom, through Colorado laws that...
Traveling salesman accused of Boulder customer’s sexual assault
Some criminal offenses are so repugnant to society that defendants are found guilty in the public's mind before any conviction occurs. Colorado defendants charged with sexual assault require a formidable defense to challenge the state's aggressive prosecution. The...
Boulder college student, 19, accused of child sex exploitation
A Colorado conviction for child sexual offenses includes long-term, life-crippling penalties. Beyond imprisonment, an individual with a felony record may be denied education, jobs, credit and housing. Add to that misery a lifetime sex offender registration and...
Boulder County ex-pastor sentenced in teen sex crimes case
A Colorado defendant accused of a sexual offense can experience rapid, harsh backlash. The public's emotionally-charged response to allegations of sexual misconduct does not wait for proof of wrongdoing or a verdict. A criminal defense lawyer understands the high...