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Marijuana conviction pardons being fast tracked

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2020 | Drug & Marijuana Charges, Drug Charges

Pardon the interruption, but there is more good news regarding House Bill 20-1424, signed in law by Gov. Pollis this July creating a “fast track” for pardons of convictions for marijuana possession of 2 oz or less. To follow up on the bill, Gov. Pollis has signed an executive order issuing a mass pardon for 2,732 convictions for possession of marijuana up to 1 oz. This mass pardon requires no application or request—rather, the government searched its criminal history database and automatically issued pardons for every conviction found where the new law applies.

The executive order will cover many but certainly not all of the marijuana convictions eligible for relief under the new law. Some convictions may have been missed in the review and others, in particular possession charges with a weight between 1oz and 2oz, are covered by the bill but were not included in this first mass pardon executive action.

No sure if your marijuana conviction is eligible, or if it was pardoned in this executive order? Visit comarijuanpardons.com for FAQ’s and to check if your conviction has already been pardon or is eligible to be pardoned.